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As a business with a variety of products and countless customers, tobacco stores need a point of sale system that can keep up with daily operations and accurately track their inventory. What are the benefits of having a custom point of sale system?

Customer Tracking and History

Whether you run a local or chain tobacco shop, you likely have customers that you see more frequently than others. Creating loyalty programs and incentives will keep regulars coming back — and start to attract new customers. Luckily, you can build a rewards program within your system so that points awarded are added to customer profiles. Your POS system will also let you take a glance at customers’ past purchases and patterns to help cater to their tobacco preferences. 

Age Verification

The most important part of owning a business is knowing your customer base and catering to what they need. This becomes slightly more important when the items you are selling have an age requirement. For any tobacco business, making sure your customer is over the age of 18 is imperative. Failing to do so will come at a great cost — and severe legal issues — to you and your business. A point of sale system makes age verification simple and stress-free by allowing cashiers to scan and verify IDs.

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Case Break Inventory Tracking

Rather than manually track tobacco products by crates, cartons, or packs, a POS system has the ability to account for case breaks automatically. Our software’s inventory system knows to break a case into individual products for sale — whether it’s cigarettes, cigars, or vapes.

Additionally, the inventory system will keep track of what’s on your shelves and give you up-to-date counts. You can even set your POS to place an automatic order when a product is running low. For example, if you’re down to 20 packs of your top-selling brand of cigarettes, your system would reorder five more cases. These inventory and reorder amounts are completely customizable — and having the feature checks another item off your to-do list!

Grow Your Tobacco Business

A point of sale system has several benefits for tobacco stores, helping them run more efficiently and increasing sales and customer loyalty over time. If you have questions about specific features or how our point of sale system could work for your business, the team at POS Nation is here to help!

We offer full point of sale solutions with customized hardware and software, training sessions, and unlimited support for a variety of industries. If you’re ready to get started, you can build your system online or request a quote!