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Considered a purveyor of fine tobaccos, Tinder Box offers a premium assortment of cigars, tobaccos, and vapor product. With six locations in the Carolinas, Tinder Box uses POS Nation's point of sale solution to track inventory, make purchasing decisions, consolidate its multiple locations, and manage labor. As owner Craig Cass, President of the International Premium Cigar & Pipe Retailers Association, says, 'I use it for every decision I make.'

Tinder Box has been a POS Nation customer for years, but only recently did Tinder Box roll out POS Nation's solution to all its stores. By integrating its operations, Tinder Box is able to work more efficiently and make better decisions. 

Craig is the real deal too. His family has been in the tobacco industry for years, and he really knows his stuff. Many of the customers we work with are just looking to run transactions, and that's fine, but we love working with the customers who fully utilize the power of their systems. Not only is Craig an astute businessman, but he knows is industry better than anyone we've ever worked with. The tobacco industry offers some unique challenges for a point of sale system. Cigars can be sold individually or by the box, loose leaf tobacco is often weighed, tracking taxes is critical, and even barcoding individual cigars is not something every system can easily do. Watch the video below to see how POS Nation helps Tinder Box better run their business.